Since Gian's back from the States, we had a little get-together last May 21 at Hanz's place in Greenhills. How could I forget the date, it was supposed to be the end of the world. HAHA!
PS: They were my H11 blockmates in CSB except for Jeff See, the one in the middle. Extra lang siya. Haha!
L-R: Seya, Jeff, Hanz, Justine, Gian, Con, Ynna |
Look at G's gifts from Miami to the guys! HAHAHA! |
You might be wondering why my blog is entitled FLAT TIRE GANG....or not?
During our freshmen years (not too long ago), since our MWF classes were only until 11:30am, my block would usually hang out afterward. However, there was this one incident that was truly and remarkably special. Obviously, the title explains it all. But here it goes...
Last July 20, 2007, we decided to hang out and go malling after our class because we had this ORDEV-A thing at night so we'd all return to school after. We were separated in 2 cars - Jino and Hanz. Gian, Con, Ynna and I joined Hanz.
FLAT TIRE GANG - that's how we became closer than ever! |
So the adventure begins!